Thursday, August 15, 2013

Your Dollar Cannot Speak

Thursday August 15, 2013

Yesterday, Wednesday August 14, we began our day at chapel with an amazing time of worship as Kennon lead music and Margret shared the message "All You Need is Love", which is the connection I have found here-love and relationship. After chapel a group of us visited Hope Compassion/Zoe Ministries and were blessed by stories of orphans and other vulnerable children who have been empowered to provided for their families by being taught skills to produce income. Never have I seen such love and compassion in a place like this. People who have nothing, sharing all they have with others. Just like in the early church, the people of Kenya value one another as is found in Acts 4:32-37. But they also value us. We are one in heart and soul. After that we visited the staff at the hospital for lunch which brings me to the truth that God shared with me. In this meeting we shared our hearts and time of prayer during the meeting. The hospital Chaplin said "the dollar cannot not speak". The people of Kenya are not destitute. In fact, they have more riches than we do. No amount of money can replace what I have found in Kenya. I have found a people who value the human spirit, the relationship, the love and the witness that I have to offer over any money I could give them.

That afternoon we held VBS. Almost 200 children showed up for "Bible Study". I thought coming here I would share Jesus with all the children and souls would be saved but the truth is I am the one who found Jesus. In the heart and souls of every child and every person I meet. There is little money here and resources are in desperate need but not once has there been a request for my money, only for my relationship. Isn't that a true reflection of who Jesus is. He doesn't want our money or our things. He wants our hearts and a true, authentic relationship. And that is what the Kenyans want.

We are truly one in heart and soul. I am rich from being here. One of the nurses said to us that "we are their treasure". So live out the early church and meet the needs of our precious family and friends here in Kenya who we share our lives and possessions with in the authentic relationships with one another and let our love speak louder than our pocket books. Jesus lives in Kenya and He brought me here to find Him. And my heart will never be the same.

Kim Howard


  1. The Kenyans are blessed by your beautiful spirit, my beloved friend...and so am I. Thank you for allowing the Light of our Lord to shine through you.

  2. Beautifully said sweet Kim! Amen and Amen!

  3. I am following all of your posts and it is a blessing to read them. What an incredible and amazing journey you all are blessed to be apart of. My thoughts, my prayers, and my heart are with you all! I am so proud and thankful of all you guys and how you are stepping out to do what God has called of you! I hope that one day I will be able to go on a mission trip to Africa. You are all an inspiration. God bless!

  4. Wonderful lesson, Kim! Thanks for sharing.
