Friday, August 9, 2013

The best laid plans....

Our flight to London was uneventful till we arrived. Then our journey became a foot race to catch our flight to Nairobi. Unfortunately our feet didn't win!  Our plane left without us. But we maintained our cool and have found ourselves on a little extra and unexpected journey to Doha, Qatar.  And then we are on a flight to Nairobi.  Life is never a guarantee. The only guarantee we have is God!
Thanks for all your prayers.


  1. You all have been continually in my prayers. Hopefully this will be the only hick up and the rest of the trip will go without complications.
    God is good! Safe journeys.

  2. Lord cover this team in your Power and Righteousness. Keep them safe and well. Father we Thank you for everything you are going to do in Kenya through this team. IN your Name Amen

  3. Doing God's work as a real missionary - how much better can it get?
