Monday, August 12, 2013

God's Plan - Send Us Angels

We finally made it to Maua!  We were re-routed from London to Doha (close to Yemen, Kuwait and Iran).  While we certainly could have never predicted that our journey would take us into the Middle East, that was God's plan for us.  While at the various airports, our team was blessed to encounter numerous angels that cleared our way to Nairobi.  We saw Christ in the friendly cashiers at the counters where we bought our food, in the smiles of airport personnel who made sure that our luggage, filled with medical supplies for the Maua Methodist Hospital, made it safely to Kenya with the team.  We even saw Christ as these angels helped us navigate the makeshift customs area at the Nairobi airport, and then for the additional 6 hour drive by van to the Maua hotel into the night.  There was even angels waiting us as we FINALLY made it to our room, where there was a hot meal, friendly greetings and a much needed, hot shower.

Our first day involved worshipping with the Methodist congregation in Maua.  We enjoyed the Swahili service, and it was a packed house!  There were well over 500, standing room only, in worship.  We attended Sunday School with the children, and led them in songs, after they led us in some.  We met our missionaries, Jim Monroe and Sue Owen, and they are so wonderful!  While we were with the kids, I could hear the adult choir singing "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms."  So, I couldn't help but wonder that way and join them!  I made fast friends with the worship director and ended up being invited to sing with them for the morning service!  It was a wonderful experience, only I didn't realize that there was going to choreography involved!  I also sang an entire song in Swahili!  This choir had a ton of energy, and their angelic voices really lifted us after our long journey to get here.

Yesterday, we were able to do a little sightseeing in the area.  The Kenyans showed us their water supply.  That might seem like an unusual attraction, however it is what they value most here.  It is a very rustic, primitive system.  Butch, who is on our team and is a certified master plumber said that there weren't even fittings in the mains going into town.  Parts of it featured pipes that were simply hammered into the next pipe.  The new ways that they are attempting to bring water in are more updated.  We also did a little shopping, being intention to spread the shillings around to various merchants.  The team was greeted as friends.  The hospitality here is incredible.

Today, we began our morning with chapel.  We met a REAL Angel.  That is her actual name!  Angel is patient of the Maua Methodist Hospital.  At only four days old, she was involved in a tragic fire that started from the family's gas stove.  Her severe burns covered over 85% of her body and left her with only one arm.  Her condition was so horrific, that her father, Ezekiel, wanted to euthanize her.  By the grace of God, she survived, and the Lord's plan for Angel had her directly cross our Kenya missions team path.  Not only did we hear the awesome news that Angel is being transferred to Galveston, Texas (of all places), but we were able to spend considerable time with both Angel and her mother during our tea time and hospital tour.  I held this modern-day miracle, a true Angel, in my arms today and gave God thanks for her life.  She is bringing out the best in everyone around her.  I was able to even hug her dad and encourage him to be strong.  I cannot even convey what a blessing it is to see such an incredible story unfold from our vantage point, but it is God's plan to let us be here at this time. My prayer for today and the rest of the week is that we not only see all of the angels around us, but that we might be angels for someone else.  As Angel's grandmother said to Angel's mother, Pam - you have to look through God's eyes to see the beauty of the child's mind heart and soul.  That is God's wisdom being lived out in a world that needs it desperately.  More to come - Thank each one of you for your continued prayers.  We love you all and miss you; and, we look forward to sharing our stories with you!

Kennon Pickett


  1. I am touched by your message. Thank you

  2. Thank you for bringing EVERYTHING into perspective!! This is what life is all about!! You were given Christ's eyes and heart to see His Divine work!! Blessings, protection, favor, miracles, and so much more are being prayed over y'all!! Thank you for being angels of Acton UMC!! Love to you all!! Rachael

  3. From Sunday morning.

    This morning as I was praying for you guys I was lead to this scripture- this is my prayer for you from 1 Corinthians 2:4-5. As you GO yielded to Him, the Holy Spirit will accomplish much as His Kingdom advances. May your hearts be encouraged as you do this work for Jesus.

    "Lord I pray the team's speech and preaching are not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstrations of the Spirit and of power. And that their faith will not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God."

    Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

    Linda Dowell

  4. OH what a blessing: I knew you would be, I know you have been, and I know you will continue to be. I could not read without tears of joy, amazement and delight in how God is already using you all.

    Did the roof raise!

    Much love and blessings sent your way!
