Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Some Perspective

Anyone who knows me knows that I will be the first person to recognize that there is plenty of need in our immediate area. So why am I in Kenya ? It cost a lot of money and time to get here, plus two weeks off from work ! God has called me here, and I am not about to argue with that.
James 2:5  Listen my dear brothers and sisters! Did not God choose the poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him ?

Did not God choose the poor ?              Well where are they ?  I think that we have found them !

I would first like to sincerely thank everyone, all of the saints, that have helped to support this trip in any way. Without the amazing people of Acton UMC we would not be here representing you. It has always been my nature to be a skeptic , I don't believe I will ever outgrow that one. I have seen all of the pictures and the movies on the problems in Africa, but i needed to see it for myself. Trust me its pretty much all true. There is quit probably more human suffering in 1000 square yards of Maua Kenya than in all of Hood county. Thing that we cant even imagine.
There is a lady here at the hospital that told Margret this morning that they had to take her baby by c- section, the baby was born alive but they took it out of the room and now tell her it has died. Her stomach is swollen and hurts, maybe a problem there, terribly constipated, and she cant leave because she cant pay her bill. She is right now back there laying in a bed alone and confused. Margret, little Margret from America walks up to here bedside, prays with her, cries with her and brings her the comfort of the Love of God ! What a humbling honor to be used by God in this way. We are absolutely not worthy, but he is. And what is crazy is that he has sent us.
We were working on the aids orphan home yesterday. It is way off of the beaten path. When we got there the lady, ( Grandmother maybe) told us that she had 6 children. I counted as many as 19 children at one time? They were coming out of the bushes from everywhere. They are currently living in a shack that none of us would have to put our lawnmower in. Two goats tied up in front, chickens running around, it was unbelievable. A walked up the hill behind the house a ways to look around and saw, peas, and watermelon, greens, etc. So they were doing their best to live on what they could gather. Try that one with 6 children ! All 19 of those children stare at us constantly like a bunch of shiny white angels just popped up out o f the ground. We will change there lives, we already have. They will at least now have a warm dry place to lay thier heads at night. Because we came.

James 2:26  For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.

We must constantly strive to bring the healing power of the love of Jesus christ to everyone that we can. It is what it means to be christian. This trip is not for everyone, but being the hands and feet of God Absolutely is.

I am PROUD to be your representative here,
Thank you for the honor,  Ben


  1. God sent His best servants to Kenya this time. My prayers and blessings are for you. _()_

  2. Thankful for God's transforming grace . . . in us and through us! Dawne

  3. Honored for you to represent us Ben, and all of you! - Rebecca
