Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Worship in Kenya

Greetings from Maua
Sunday June 12

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord.  Ps 134:2

Today we were honored to worship with a wonderful group of Christians.  We had the pleasure of visiting and interacting with St Joseph's Methodist Church Children's Sunday School Class.  All the children gathered together and sang to the Lord! What a blessing to see the passion that they put into their songs.  One little girl was beating a drum, another had a trambourine, several were using rain boards, clapping and dancing with joy to God!

Janet Hagley taught the children a new song, Happy All the Time, which allowed us to be a part of their class.  Children everywhere are gifts from God and we were blessed to witness His love with the children of Maua.

Church service was just as inspirational as the children's class.  We all worshiped as one.  "How Great Thou Art" was sung in Swahili and we sang  it in English.  It was truly a mulitcultural experience to stand side by side praising the Lord with two languages at once.

The afternoon was filled with more of God's wonder as we hiked up the mountain to view the Waterfall.  The rush of the falling water and the beauty of the flora and fauna reminded us again of God's mighty works and power.

We rest tonight knowing that God does have THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS.

How blessed we are to be a part of His work!

Tomorrow our work takes another direction as we tour Maua Hospital, begin our work there and at the construction site of the AIDS Orphans Home.

It is so wonderful and assuring to know we have our church family praying for us and our Kenya neighbors.

Blessings from Maua
Cher, Janet and Mission Team

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