Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's practice real love!

Wednesday June 15


We were blessed to start the day leading morning chapel.  The theme for this mornings chapel was "Viewing your neighbor in a different way".  Janet led us in song, singing This is the Day and then Doug led us in prayer, while Kendall read the story of the Good Samaritan.  Then Craig gave a wonderful sermon on viewing your neighbor in a different way parallel to the Good Samaritan today .  We ended the service singing Here I am Lord and their closing prayer
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
The Love of God, and
The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you now and forevermore.  Amen

How appropriate was our morning scripture 1Jn 16:18 (The Message) .

We then split up into several teams, finishing the building of the Child Headed family home, continuing with the nursing flats, and working in the pharmacy.  Caitin was able to view the nursing school and to observe in the "Theatre" or as we call it the Operating Room.

We are attaching photos of the children in Sunday School and photos of the  ZOE ministry visits.

God Bless,
Caitlin and The Mission Team

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