Thursday, June 16, 2011

Home Dedication

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today we completed the home we started on Monday. It is hard to believe that 12 people - most of whom knew very little about building - can complete a house in 4 days. It was an incredible feeling to see the home when it was done and Acton UMC June 16, 2011 painted proudly on the board at the entrance to the house. The house is 2 rooms - one for Bernard and his brother and the other for his mother who is dying. When their father died 5 years ago, they had no place to go so they moved in with their grandmother in unsuitable housing in this small village outside Maua. Now they have their own home and that home cannot be taken from then. What a blessing that is! Bernard, who is 19, will start the Orhpan Empowerment Program very soon where he will learn a trade, join a work team who will support him as he moves through the 3 year program. He told us that he wants to build homes for others.

The Hospital had a formal dedication of the home. Sheryl Crumrine, leader of our Mission Team, handed the home keys over to Bernard. Many women and children joined in the celebration, singing songs and dancing with joy to God!

We were all so very proud to have been able to do this blessed event - building a home for a family. The money raised through your generous contributions was well spent and our church will not be forgotten in this village. Nor will this village be forgotten by this Mission Team or our church. The love of God has been shared and the rewards have been great.

Bev and the Mission Team

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! What an incredible feeling to complete this. VBS today I see. Have fun and be safe. We are in WV until Sunday night. Everybody says hi Candy!!
