Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Heading Home

Wednesday, June 22nd
Our team worked on our Kenyan Mission Trip for over 1-1/2 years and now it is over! We head to the airport in less than an hour to head home. We have mixed feelings today - glad to get back to our American homes but sad to leave our wonderful Kenyan friends! Yes, we have missed burgers and pizza bur have eaten the best avocados, juicy pineapples, fresh pineapples and
We will be excited to share our stories and pictures with you all. Thanks for all your prayers, support and love.
Sheryl and rest of team

Continue your prayers for Bev and LaVern as the continue on to Tanzania for more safari.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The End of our week in Maua and onto the orphanage

We began our last day as each day with chapel.  Others moved onto painting the exterior of the medical ward while Sheryl, Doug, and Marie put up our replica of Acton UMC stained glass.  Returning teams are provided space on the walls of the palliative care are to commemorate their visits.  The names of members from both 2009 & 2011 were added.
We had tea with Jerri Savuto, Stanley Gittari, and the CEO of MMH, and Reegan who manages Hope Companions.  We were also pleased to meet and visit Emma who is a young lady that has started her own business thanks to the guidance and assistance of Hope Companions.  Caitlin, who is on our team, had been involved in a skype session with Emma through her church or youth conference previously.
We decided to use the crosses which church members had donated during a Nurse's day celebration.  Jerri invited us to join them briefly after their lunch.  They started a traditional dance and we were able to join in.  They greatly appreciated the love and support they felt by receiving the crosses.  Additional crosses will be utilized for an auxiliary staff appreciation day.  Hospital administration strives to honor their staff in various ways throughout the year.

Next we were on our way to prepare for VBS.  One of the nearby schools apparently had some programs scheduled so we estimated approximately 150 children attended.  After singing some songs, the children were divided into groups and visited each of 4 stations.  Two groups played games, while one group had story time, and the other group was able to make salvation bracelets.  At the end of our time the children were able to take home a salvation bracelet with further explanations and also crayons and a small coloring book.  We have been assured that the children will share what they learned and experienced with other children and their parents.

We had our last dinner at the hotel and was joined by our new friend Ben Travis who is a dynamic Texas A & M student who came ahead of his home church Clear Lake UMC, Clear Lake, Texas.  After his team comes and departs he will move on to Ghana for 6 more weeks of volunteer work.  He has been helping Hope Companions conduct some interviews with the participants.  The hotel staff honored us with cake for desert and gave a painting to Sheryl.

Out early today and on another journey to Nakuru, a rural village which is home to the Kingdom Builders Childrens Centre, a project of another Houston area church Windsor Village UMC.  This ministry is led by Ledosia & Daniel Kibe.  She is a Houston native and associate pastor and Daniel, a native Kenyan owns the transporation company that the teams use while in Kenya and on safari.  There is continual construction planned at the orphanage until up to 100 children may be housed and provided with educational opportunities.  Currently there are 16 children.  To get to Nakuru we crossed the Equator at least 3 times which tells you there are many twists and turns through the Kenyan Countryside.
One of the previous teams drew a mural on all four walls of a large common area and left paint supplies.  So Sheryl, Candy, Laverne, Marie, Stephen, and Cher began the pain project while Kendall, Caitlin, Janet, Doug, Bev, and myself began an impromptu VBS.  The children also got to make salvation bracelets, we taught them some songs, and sang some they were familiar with then had story time.

After dinner some of us had additional time to visit with Ledosia & Daniel while others resumed painting and were able to sign the wall as a team participating in this project.

We finished our tour of the grounds around the Children's Centre, then Pastor John from the Independent African church, came and escorted us on the 5 minute walk to services.  When he led us in, the first 3 pews had been saved for us, the congregation stood, siging praise in Swahili, clapping, drumming, and dancing.  Another priest spoke in Swahili and he and Pastor John took turns interpreting the others statements so all were given the opporutnity to hear the word of the Lord.

At the conclusion of the service, Daniel, Ledosia, and children hands in ours, escorted us to an additional parcel of land that has been purchased for crops and grazing cattle.  This overlooks the Rift Valley and is a beautiful location.

We then departed for Nairobi, dropping the team, minus myself at Wilson Airport to head to safari.  After a week of work, this provides an excellent opporutnity to further enjoy the wonders of Africa and process and reflect upon what has been done.  I had a safe trip and am actually adding this blog from home.  The team will complete the safari Tuesday and return to Nairobi in preparation for their trip home, so look for further messages if the opporutnity is found.

I apologize for the length of this blog, but there is much GOOD NEWS to share. 
When I talked with Jerri about the magnitude of the needs in kenya, especially Maua, she reminded me of the reason that she, Bill, the hospital staff, and others continue to serve.  It is for God.  I had to admit with my American perception I was looking at the "big picture" and wanted a quick result.  Again I was reminded that we serve and make changes one life at a time.

Thanks for following this amazing journey and for the Prayer team and our partners.  We all know you have been with us in spirit.

By His Grace
Craig & Team

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Home Dedication

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today we completed the home we started on Monday. It is hard to believe that 12 people - most of whom knew very little about building - can complete a house in 4 days. It was an incredible feeling to see the home when it was done and Acton UMC June 16, 2011 painted proudly on the board at the entrance to the house. The house is 2 rooms - one for Bernard and his brother and the other for his mother who is dying. When their father died 5 years ago, they had no place to go so they moved in with their grandmother in unsuitable housing in this small village outside Maua. Now they have their own home and that home cannot be taken from then. What a blessing that is! Bernard, who is 19, will start the Orhpan Empowerment Program very soon where he will learn a trade, join a work team who will support him as he moves through the 3 year program. He told us that he wants to build homes for others.

The Hospital had a formal dedication of the home. Sheryl Crumrine, leader of our Mission Team, handed the home keys over to Bernard. Many women and children joined in the celebration, singing songs and dancing with joy to God!

We were all so very proud to have been able to do this blessed event - building a home for a family. The money raised through your generous contributions was well spent and our church will not be forgotten in this village. Nor will this village be forgotten by this Mission Team or our church. The love of God has been shared and the rewards have been great.

Bev and the Mission Team

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's practice real love!

Wednesday June 15


We were blessed to start the day leading morning chapel.  The theme for this mornings chapel was "Viewing your neighbor in a different way".  Janet led us in song, singing This is the Day and then Doug led us in prayer, while Kendall read the story of the Good Samaritan.  Then Craig gave a wonderful sermon on viewing your neighbor in a different way parallel to the Good Samaritan today .  We ended the service singing Here I am Lord and their closing prayer
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
The Love of God, and
The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you now and forevermore.  Amen

How appropriate was our morning scripture 1Jn 16:18 (The Message) .

We then split up into several teams, finishing the building of the Child Headed family home, continuing with the nursing flats, and working in the pharmacy.  Caitin was able to view the nursing school and to observe in the "Theatre" or as we call it the Operating Room.

We are attaching photos of the children in Sunday School and photos of the  ZOE ministry visits.

God Bless,
Caitlin and The Mission Team

Busy days in Maua

What amazing blessings we have received since our first metting at the Church on Sunday.

Monday June 13 we divided into three groups:
  • One group (Caitlin,Doug, Janet & Sheryl) went to the Hospital flats where they learned to sling plaster on the walls that requires 6 months prep time before painting.  Some had sore arms today!
  • The second group (Bev, Cher, Craig, Kendall, Stephen) went to the work site of the family home. This home will be headed by the eldest son who is 19 yrs old . We began with the foundation and the frame work of the home.
  • The third group (Candy, LaVern, and Marie) was in the Distribution Center dividing and cataloguing all the items brought from the US to Maua.
Tuesday June 14 again began with blessings and encouragement in Chapel, then on to a busy day.  Five went back to the work site early while, 2 continued with distribution, and 5 back to the hospital flats.

After 10 O'clock tea, 6 were able to go and visualize the powerful productive program of Orphan Empowerment Program, previously known as the Giving Hope Program through the ZOE ministry.  Actually visiting with one who had been a recipient of the family home by a previous team who is now in a productive business of her own while supporting 4 siblings and 1 child.  This is considered a Chld Headed Household.

We have so much to share on our return and are reaping the rewards of all those at AUMC, and all those  who helped sponsor and send this team to Maua.

Blessings to all from Maua
1 Cor 1:2-3

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Worship in Kenya

Greetings from Maua
Sunday June 12

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord.  Ps 134:2

Today we were honored to worship with a wonderful group of Christians.  We had the pleasure of visiting and interacting with St Joseph's Methodist Church Children's Sunday School Class.  All the children gathered together and sang to the Lord! What a blessing to see the passion that they put into their songs.  One little girl was beating a drum, another had a trambourine, several were using rain boards, clapping and dancing with joy to God!

Janet Hagley taught the children a new song, Happy All the Time, which allowed us to be a part of their class.  Children everywhere are gifts from God and we were blessed to witness His love with the children of Maua.

Church service was just as inspirational as the children's class.  We all worshiped as one.  "How Great Thou Art" was sung in Swahili and we sang  it in English.  It was truly a mulitcultural experience to stand side by side praising the Lord with two languages at once.

The afternoon was filled with more of God's wonder as we hiked up the mountain to view the Waterfall.  The rush of the falling water and the beauty of the flora and fauna reminded us again of God's mighty works and power.

We rest tonight knowing that God does have THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS.

How blessed we are to be a part of His work!

Tomorrow our work takes another direction as we tour Maua Hospital, begin our work there and at the construction site of the AIDS Orphans Home.

It is so wonderful and assuring to know we have our church family praying for us and our Kenya neighbors.

Blessings from Maua
Cher, Janet and Mission Team

Friday, June 10, 2011

Safe arrival

The Kenya mission team was truly blessed even before departure by those who came to send us off, and to know we will all have prayer partners during our travels.

There were no delays or problems with departures. All is well and we just found out we get our favorite driver.

Our scripture for today was so appropriate Jn 15:5; 11-12.

Blessings from Kenya