Sunday, January 27, 2019

God revealed

January 27, 2019

God revealed

Original Poem by Anne Simms

Today we slept late for the first and last time

had a great breakfast and made it to church around 9:00. 

Lots of singing and praising and a sermon in Swahili,

meeting and greeting our Kenyan church family.         

Back to our rooms to rest up a bit

after souvenir shopping we were pretty well spent!!!

This poem illustrates our day today.  We were blessed to attend The Methodist Church in Kenya that was filled with the Holy Spirit.  We were greeted with warmth and enthusiasm.  As church progressed and they began singing in a language not our own, it felt as though we understood all the words.  We were surprised to find that another team from the USA was in attendance.  They were from various cities and churches throughout the country as part of WEAREZOE.ORG.  It was great to talk with them after service and fellowship.

When we completed our morning activities at church, we went back to our hotel to prepare for Monday’s tasks.  We sorted and prepared donations for the hospital, the schools, medical clinic and tools to build the Home of Aids Orphans.

We wrapped up our evening with team fellowship, the Lord’s prayer and communion.  We shared our experiences with God revealed.  One key takeaway from the morning service, was that God revealed how the message at church was about mission work.  Their mission statement is “Don’t let others prevent what God has called you today”. 

Continued prayers for the team's health and safety.


  1. This is a great blog! The team from Oklahoma City will be following you in early February. It's fun to read about Acton's activities that we will be participating in soon!
