Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 30th

Our Call To Mission, Their Call to Serve

In preparation for our trip we often use the following scripture to affirm our call:

Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Today half our team remained at Maua Methodist Hospital where we visited the pediatric ward.  We distributed small hand made blankets and knitted caps.  (Blankets provided by Granbury Quilt Guild and the knitted caps by AUMC Knitting Circle).  The tiny children were so sick, not smiling much, and they are a little shy around the Mzungu (travelers/foreigners) who periodically appear. However their mothers were delighted and thankful.

Each day the staff is allowed a few minutes for a cup of fresh brewed tea.  We visited the staff in four departments including the Laboratory area, pharmacy, dental care, and Community (Palliative) care.  To show our appreciation for the work they do, we provided a  snack to be enjoyed with their tea.  They were so happy to receive the snacks and were moved by our words of thanks and encouragement.  A couple of staff even had tears in their eyes.  We were later told that as a mission hospital, budgets are tight and their is rarely anything extra provided for the staff.
In all circumstances the staff continue to greet their patients and visitors with smiles and compassion.

The remaining team members returned to the site of the AIDS orphans home (more on that tomorrow as we share about the dedication).  Many times we have children watch while we work.  Today we met a sweet girl named Blessing who was around 9 years old. 
We blew bubbles and tried to chat with her, but her English wasn't very good.  Usually when children are around us during the day it means they are not in school for one reason or another.  Our driver spoke with her in Swahili and he found out that she is not in school because her family does not have the funds to send her.  He told us she only lacked 100 Kenya Shillings, the equivalent to $1.00 US dollar.  Our hearts broke to hear this and we realize even more so how important our journey to Maua becomes. 

While we cannot reach each and every person or provide gifts and monetary contributions.  Our presence may become a beacon to another of God's children.  Daily we are inspired by the people in Kenya who are willing to give of themselves unselfishly and who we have the privilege to serve with. Our biggest prayer is that others will be led to make a the life of someone else, or to participate in this worthy mission or another.

Ephesians 4:2-3 The Message

2-3  I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel. I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don’t want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jan 29th
Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”
Mark 9:35 NIV

We all come with different spiritual gifts as well as abilities to complete tasks.  We also often bring our preconceived notions of what we want to do, and how things should be completed.  While our spiritual gifts and our abilities are a must for a mission trip.  Our preconceptions are not required.

As we discussed the days events participants shared their thoughts on Serving Others:

Serving is not only about completing physical tasks; but serving can include taking the time to see the wonders of their world; listen and hear their stories; speak and to offer words of encouragement.  

While most of our Kenyan brothers and sisters speak English, we also make small attempts at using Swahili words.  When communication attempts from either may fail, sitting in silence as an example of service can also speak volumes.

Surely, however, you will encounter people who are in misery, and people who cry, and people who suffer.  Will you be like your heavenly Father, to see what is happening, to hear cries from the oppressed, to show concern, and even to rescue and provide?  These are heavy burdens for anyone to carry, and God does not even ask you to carry them alone.  No, He asks you to help Him as he leads the way.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (NIV)

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Paying Forward

January 28, 2019

Paying Forward

Today was our first working day. We started the day in Chapel at Maua Methodist Hospital, then fellowship during mid-morning tea with the staff.  The team was split in half, one going to the Aids Orphan Home site and the other half worked at the Hospital.

Each day when we return back to the hotel, we reflect on the days events and spend time in devotion. During our evening discussion today, we talked about what it meant to “pay it forward”.  Each team member shared their hearts.

Don - Strength from our devotional time tonight. The Muslims were having their evening prayers while we started our prayers to God.

Sheri – Didn’t feel like I was paying it forward but doing what I was called to do.

Michael – the feeling I get from being invited in this journey and to do what is needed done.

Lois – While going through the supplies not only the caring and sharing I got while here but also the caring and sharing from those back home.

Rick – when reflecting on the message at Chapel today and looking at your present situation. Learning from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow.

Craig – not only these stories we hear, but the selfless sacrifice from the people.

Anne – Jesus gave his life so we could have eternal life.  We pay it forward to others so they can have eternal life.

Doug – The gift of loving and sharing passed on from generation to generation

Mary Jane – Teaching the kids at the building site to sing songs.

La Verne – Sharing my knowledge and life skills with others and seeing the joy and happiness from those served.

Sheryl – The love for the people here continues to bring me back “I leave my heart here”.  I enjoy leading teams here so they can experience the beauty and joy of Kenya people.

Marie – After my first visit to Kenya, seeing the blessing they bestowed upon me was more powerful than imagined.  It provides an overwhelming feeling to always pay it forward.

You can be encouraged to know that when you step out in faith and obedience to serve others, God sees the sacrifice and gift. He sees it and honors it. He honors you.

Luke 6:38 says “Give and it will be given to you.” Good measure, press down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.  For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.

A line from the Covenant Prayer says, “I freely and fully surrender all things to your glory and service”.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

God revealed

January 27, 2019

God revealed

Original Poem by Anne Simms

Today we slept late for the first and last time

had a great breakfast and made it to church around 9:00. 

Lots of singing and praising and a sermon in Swahili,

meeting and greeting our Kenyan church family.         

Back to our rooms to rest up a bit

after souvenir shopping we were pretty well spent!!!

This poem illustrates our day today.  We were blessed to attend The Methodist Church in Kenya that was filled with the Holy Spirit.  We were greeted with warmth and enthusiasm.  As church progressed and they began singing in a language not our own, it felt as though we understood all the words.  We were surprised to find that another team from the USA was in attendance.  They were from various cities and churches throughout the country as part of WEAREZOE.ORG.  It was great to talk with them after service and fellowship.

When we completed our morning activities at church, we went back to our hotel to prepare for Monday’s tasks.  We sorted and prepared donations for the hospital, the schools, medical clinic and tools to build the Home of Aids Orphans.

We wrapped up our evening with team fellowship, the Lord’s prayer and communion.  We shared our experiences with God revealed.  One key takeaway from the morning service, was that God revealed how the message at church was about mission work.  Their mission statement is “Don’t let others prevent what God has called you today”. 

Continued prayers for the team's health and safety.

Saturday, January 26, 2019


Saturday January 26, 2019


The team has started our journey from Dallas/Fort Worth to Maua, Kenya.  We traveled through Dubai and encountered numerous security checkpoints.  We thought we were done with security checks when we started our drive to Maua only to get stopped three more times for random check points. All was good.  This made us acutely aware that we were in a different country and different set of rules.

Some of the things we became aware of was that some things don’t always go according to plan, however they are God’s plans.

Along the way we did get to chuckle as we encountered the uniqueness of God in the names of businesses along the way.  To share a few; God Comes Hair and Beauty Salon, God’s Favour Store, God’s Blessing General Store, God’s Mercy Car Wash, and Prince of Peace Auto.  Seeing this made us aware of how Kenyan’s feel it important to see and share God in all aspects of their lives.

We stopped for lunch at the Methodist Bio Intensive Farm to meet up with old and new friends. We learned a lot about the work they do with training individuals and groups on innovative ways to sustain their families and start a small business.

The sky was clear, and we got to see Mount Kenya with snow on the top in the middle of Kenya's summer.  Mount Kenya is by the Equator so one would think there would not be snow.  It is not everyday that one gets to see God’s majestic work.

We are reminded in Isaiah 55:9-11 which is asking awareness of God’s presence every day. We look forward to seeing God’s plan for us this week and the people we will encounter.
We hope you continue to check out our blog as we experience God through our awareness.