Sunday, July 23, 2017

Bwana Asifwe

Our second day in Maua was an absolute success as we joined MCK (Methodist Church Kenya) Athiru Gaiti Meru County, Kenya for a wonderful Sunday service that featured our very own Pastor Steve. And between the humorous sermon translations and the awe inspiring prayers, I believe we were all a bit damp in the eyes. Our day continued as we toured around the Clark EDC Pre-school, which was located on the church grounds, and bonded with many of the local children. It was truly moving to see how much this community had given to make this school possible.

"Our worship service this morning is something I will always remember and cherish. As we listened to passionate prayers and jubilant singing in Swahili (even though we did not fully understand) the power and presence of the Holy Spirit was truly palpable. To be honored to share a message with so many Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ about the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives (Luke 4:18 -19) blessed me more than words can describe. Thank you God, Bwana Asifiwe (God is good)." Pastor Steve

To finish out the already wonderful day, several team members took a scenic hike up a small mountain that overlooked the city. It was very easy to see the strong differences between our home towns and the one that lied in front of us, and gave us the opportunity to be grateful for what we normally take for granted.


  1. Prayers continue that the love of God spread forth feom you all as you serve our beothers and sisters.

  2. Thank you for posting these updates! I'm praying daily for a safe and wonderful trip for all. Please tell my mom and stepdad (Anne and Don) we love and miss them.
