Monday, July 17, 2017

2017 Kenya Mission Team Heading to Maua, Kenya

Jambo (Hello)!
Our team of 13 folks leave Thursday, July 20!  We are busy packing and wondering what we will see, experience and do in service for our God.
We are from 4 churches, coming together in Methodist connection.  (Acton UMC, Alliance UMC, Good News UMC, Lighthouse Fellowship UMC)
We hope you will follow along with us during our journey.  We really appreciate your prayers!
We ask that you don't worry about us if you don't hear from us for a day or two.  We are busy, and wifi can be a challenge at times.
We will be back to the United States on Thursday, August 3.
Asante Sana (Thank you very much)!
Sheryl Crumrine
Team Leader


  1. Godspeed and love to all of you as you carry the love of Christ and join in ministry with our brothers and sisters in Kenya!
