Friday, February 1, 2019

Thur Jan 31st.
Dedication of the AIDS Orphan's Home

Apologies for the delay.  This is a day filled with emotion: one of sadness for what these families have experienced, and one of great celebration. 

In the end, if often takes us a while to process what we have been able to accomplish thanks to God's calling, and the careful guidance and assistance of the hospital outreach and dedicated staff who is on site to help us in the construction process.

Psalm 146:9 (NIV)

The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow...

How amazing it was to begin our final journey towards completion of the AIDS orphan home after construction which took only 4 days.  We were surrounded by young children, men and women of the community, extended family, the grandmother and grandfather, and most importantly the recipient Precious and her brother Felix.


Many staff from Maua Methodist Hospital came along and shared their hearts with the community, our team, and the family.  These include social workers, chaplain, the Chief Nursing Officer (Mary Gitari) and her husband Stanley Gitari who heads the community outreach for the hospital.

The criteria for qualification has changed over time as there were over 4,000 orphans who were in need of homes.  Now the criteria requires that at least one child has been tested as HIV positive, and the program has always deeded the home to the youngest sibling to insure that the home remains in the family.

So how does a very happy 4 year old, who is really unaware of the magnitude of what has been done  qualify?  Precious herself is not only the youngest child; but is also the child that is HIV positive.  She was born in the community and not at a hospital, so was un-diagnosed until recently.  Felix, her brother, is in P7 (primary school, 7th grade).  He speaks English and is a very polite and helpful young man.

Stanley started the service by singing and dancing as members from the surrounding village joined in.  They began to approach us, taking our hands and inviting us into the celebration.  It was such a touching time for our team.  Stanley reminded us the Spirit of  God was present and the house was considered a miracle in answer to prayer.

Stanley also talked of how grateful the family and village was to receive such a gift and the future this held for the family.  He thanked the AUMC Kenya Ministry team, recognized our continued support and the members some new and some who had made prior trips.

Craig was asked to address those who had gathered.  He said, "We believe we are called together as one body from a loving God.  We may appear differently but we are all brothers & sisters.  We are humbled and we are thankful that our God calls us to provide for those in need.  And we are very thankful for the kindness of the people who touch our hearts."
"While we feel we are a long way from home, we now have a new home.  We pray God''s blessing will go with each of you, particularly this family as they begin a new chapter in their lives.  Bwana asifiwe (Praise God)."

The local chaplain from MMH read from Luke 12 and gave a short message.  Then everyone gathered was asked to place their hands on the new home and pray together. 

Sheryl, as team leader, presented the key to the house.  To date over 600 (2 room homes) have been built by the various teams who visit each year, and through generous donations from supporters.

Truly the Spirit of the Lord was alive and present in a small village outside Maua [town].  The team is refreshed and revived.  We cannot thank each donor enough for the life, joy, and hope given to Precious, Felix, and their grandparents.  (Both biological parents are deceased).

We would be remiss if we did not mention our very competent and patient Kenyan crew headed by Charles, two additional young men, and Elizabeth (who also helped us on our prior build in 2017).  She is as skilled and capable as any member of their team.  Their dedication to these projects carries us, sometimes literally, when we become weakened and tired.  Their compassion towards the families is exemplary.

Faith in God and a shared love of others makes all things possible.

Mark 12:30-31 New Life Version 

30 You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ This is the first Law.

31 “The second Law is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other Law is greater than these.” 

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