Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Am The Church

Today was a different kind of day. We boarded a bus at 7:30 to make the hour long trek to Puebla for a day of sightseeing and shopping. One might ask why did we take the time to do this? When visiting another country it is a good idea to take the time to get to know the history, the surroundings and inject money into the local economy. It is also a good way to wind down , reflect on the mission trip and take time to internalize the experience before returning  to the "real world" also known as life.

We went on a tour to see the largest pyramid in the world. For those of you who are confused, we are in Mexico and not Egypt. By measurements, the pyramid in Mexico is taller and wider than those in Egypt. Who knew! From the top, and yes I did walk to the top, you could see the entire city and the active volcano. It was a beautiful sight. It is not everyday that the view is so clear that you can see for hundreds of miles. We visited several cathedrals today that  were unlike any I have ever seen. Very ornate and decorated in a lot of gold. It was interesting to visit churches unlike our own worship spaces.

As we toured, walked and talked, each one of us would point out a child we could see and comment on how he or she looked like someone from Casa Hogar. The little girl in the hotel lobby looked like Elizabeth. A group of school children walking reminded us of Juan, Eduardo and Cris. I am not sure that these children we saw today actually looked like the ones at Casa Hogar but rather our hearts were missing the children we had come to love. I think a part of each one of us was still back at the home.

After shopping and dinner we spent time as a group reflecting on what this trip has meant to us and what we could have done better. Without a doubt, spending time with the children was the best part of the trip. Getting to witness how God is working in each of their lives was a blessing to each of us. We also expressed that we wished we could have been better prepared to be with the children such as learning names and the language. One feeling equally expressed was the desire to be able to share our experience with others, to encourage others to join in our efforts because although God is big enough, it is up to you and me to be the hands and feet. At dinner we sat next to a couple from Canada. While sharing conversation it came up why we were here in Mexico. We spent time telling them about the children, Juan Fransico and Silvia and the things we were able to do during our stay. We did not tell them this to brag on ourselves, but rather to call attention to the mighty works of our God. How lives are being changed through blessings that come from around the world. That God may be glorified through us. The work done on any mission trip is important but it is also important to be able to say why we do what we do and to encourage others to join our efforts.

As we head home tomorrow, I pray that each member of the team shares the story of Casa Hogar and what this trip has meant to him or her. I pray that each one of us does not forget the faces of those sweet children who need our love. I pray that we remember the faith Juan Fransico, Silvia, Muriel and Ana have that God will provide. I pray that I have that same kind of faith. I pray I never forget the lessons learned this week.

Rev. Margret L. Fields

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