Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kenya Bound!

The Kenya Mission Trip is finally here!  We leave Thursday, June 9th and return Thursday, June 23rd.  We wish to say ‘THANKS’ to each and every one of you for supporting our team thru all our fundraisers.

We wish to share how your contributions are being spent.  The average cost each participant paid out of pocket was approximately $2700.  This included their airline ticket, trip insurance and immunizations.
The money raised from fundraisers will go towards:
-       $6000 for construction at Maua Methodist Hospital
-       $2700 to build an Aids Orphan Home
-       $200 for Kingdom Builders Center Orphanage
-       $1000 of medical supplies purchased for the Maua Methodist Hospital
-       Besides the purchased medical supplies we are taking donated medical supplies, VBS supplies and other gifts for the children (We are taking 12 large suitcases loaded with all these supplies)
-       Transportation, food and housing while in Kenya

We would love to have you follow us on our trip with prayers and by checking our blog site.
Please keep track of our schedule.  It goes as follows:
      June 9th Leave DFW at 5:35pm
June 10th arrive in Nairobi at 9pm
      June 11th travel to Maua (approx. 6 hour van drive)
      June 12th Attend church and tour Maua
      June 13–17th Work at Maua Methodist Hospital and Build Aids Orphan Home
      June 17th Provide a VBS for 300 children (Pray for us!)
      June 18th Travel to KBC Orphanage and do construction and spend time with children
      June 19th Attend church with the children and drive back to Nairobi
      June 19-21st Enjoy what Kenya has to offer at Masai Mara National Park
      June 22nd Tour Nairobi and Head home at 11:15pm
      June 23rd Arrive DFW at 3:25pm

When we return we will do presentations of our trip to share all our experiences and to share where we saw God at work.  Again, thanks for joining us on this journey!

what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 

Blessings and love to our church family and friends,
            Sheryl Crumrine (team leader), Marie Blakeney, Candy Cane, Doug Crumrine, Caitlin Emerson, Bev Franzen, LaVern Franzen, Janet Hagley, Craig Inman, Cher Loving, Stephen Miller, Kendall Vandrell

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